Enabling Inference Optimizations#

Below shows an overview of optimizations for inference speedup implemented in TorchSparse.


To use any optimizations, set torchsparse.backends.benchmark = True first.


Our optimizations are designed for and work the best under the fp16 precision. Although they can also be run under the fp32 precision, the speedup effects have not been tested.

Locality-Aware Access#

We reduce the memory footprint of sparse convolution via fused and locality-aware memory access. This will be automatically applied if torchsparse.backends.benchmark = True.

Adaptive Grouping#

We trade computation for regularity, optimizing matrix multiplication in sparse convolution via adaptive grouping. To enable adaptive grouping, you need to first tune a best grouping strategy using a few samples:

model = ... # your model to be used
dataflow = ... # an iterator with your data samples, usually in the form of torch.utils.data.DataLoader
    collect_fn=lambda data: data['input'],

Then the adaptive matmul grouping will be automatically applied in the forward pass. Please refer to torchsparse.tune and this example for more details.